Smart Telegram for Wordpress

We will notify for you. Plugin integrated also WooCommerce.

Smart Telegram for wordpress and WooCommerce

Our Features

Multi Users

You can add multiple users for connect notifications. Users can be or

History logs

All notifications/messages saved in your database. You can filter there by date, actions or users

Special settings

You can set different settings for each users. Or you can set general settings for all users.

You will get notifications:

On WooCommerce

On Wordpress

Look at our video presentation

This video is show to you, plugin's features, instuctions and how to use.

Smart Telegram for wordpress and WooCommerce

Plugin's Screenshots (Telegram side)

Smart Telegram Integrations

  • Our plugin integrated with Wordpress actions (add new post, edit post, delete post, user registration, admin warning)

  • Our plugin integrated with WooCommerce actions (new order, refund order, new product or etc.)

  • Also we will update new plugins integration

Smart Telegram for wordpress and WooCommerce

All in 3 Easy Steps

How can you install our plugin?


Create new bot on telegram

You can create new telegram bot only on the telegram. You should to search Bot Father, after that, write there /help. Then he will said all you need.

video tutorial
Smart Telegram for wordpress and WooCommerce

Save your token to your panel

After create bot you will get token. You need save your token to your panel. Open your plugin and go to "My Bot" section. And save your token.

video tutorial
Smart Telegram for wordpress and WooCommerce

Connect your users and start to get notifications

Your users have to send message /start to your bot. After that you will see them, on your "Users" panel.

video tutorial
Smart Telegram for wordpress and WooCommerce
Smart Telegram for wordpress and WooCommerce

Buy Smart Telegram now